After an initial consultation to gather some basic information regarding your concerns and areas of difficulty, an appointment will be made to evaluate and identify strengths and areas of challenge or deficit to determine best possible treatment options. The evaluation findings will be compared with norm- and criterion-referenced tests, and a plan of care will be established. An evaluation will include some or all of the following:
- A detailed medical, behavioral, and social history and Patient Outcomes measures
- An oral motor examination to assess the integrity of muscles and nerves of the head and neck.
- Laryngeal Function Studies exam, consisting of aerodynamic and acoustic measures
- Auditory/perceptual/visual assessment
- Behavioral voice and communication analysis
- Stimulability trials to assess your potential for improvement using different therapeutic probes
Occasionally other assessment referrals may be made to fully evaluate systemic effects contributing to the problem. These may include referrals to ENT, Allergy, Pulmonology, Gastro Enterology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy counselors, Neurology.